Monthly Archives: október 2014

Sony PS4 PS Vita karácsonyra ?!

Nagyon foglalkoztat a dolog mikor lesz PS4 PS Vitával csomagolva egy dobozba ? Nem tudom, hogy rászánják-e magukat a SONY marketingesei de az biztos, hogy azonnal beszerzek egyet. Ha minden igaz karácsonyfánk alá kerülhet egy ilyen ?

ps4 with vita

Hivatalosan természetesen még nem jelentették be de már egy nagyobb rendezvényen így játszottak a promoterek.

Viszont itt egy bejegyzés a hivatalosól ahol ennek esélyét, lehetőségét feszegetik, kérdezgetik.

forrás (source) :

A little while back Sony stated it had “no firm plans” to bundle PS4 and PS Vita in the same box. A few week’s on and it looks like things might change thanks to, “consumer reaction and an upsurge in Vita sales,” following Gamescom.

PS4 & Vita bundle: “becoming more real” say Sony

Speaking to Fegal Gara at this year’s Eurogamer Expo, I asked about his previous comments on a PS4 PS Vita combo, and specifically the non-committal way it was neither a definite ‘yes’ or ‘no’. He replied, “Well a couple of things have evolved about since then. I think that clearly demonstrating what the two machines do when they come together was a big step and I think Gamescom was a key moment for that”. (The demo of Assassin’s Creed 4 being Remote Played from PS4 via a Vita was a particular stand out moment from the show).

“Seeing the consumer reaction and actually an upsurge in Vita sales immediately following that demo was very encouraging to see,” admits Gara. “So there is interest in the mechanic. Right now, as I sit here today, we’re not producing a box that fits a PS4 and PS Vita in that one box. We we could probably change our mind in the morning and still have it ready for launch to be honest so it’s not a big decision. It’s not a hard thing to do”.

However, at the moment the focus is helping shops, with the first PS4 bundles recently announced. “At the moment sat down with our retail partners discussing exactly what they want the PS4 launch pack to look like. And its very easy for us to work with them and say looks lets create a package that contains PS Plus, Killzone Shadow Fall, PS Vita, PS4, shall we do that? And they put it together as a bundle, let’s call it a soft bundle but it basically means they package together the bits. And they may want to put in FIFA 14 for example or any other third party title and say there’s your PlayStation mega bundle for x pounds. Would we work with them to support them to make that it happen? Yes”.

As far as the earlier ambivalent response the the idea of putting a PlayStation 4 and Vita in the same box? “Ambivalent is maybe too strong a word. We’re still in the planning phase so it’s not a yes, its not a no. And the option is still there to pick up the two of them. We’ll make it happen in the ways that are best for our retail partners really and we’ll work with them. The concept is becoming more real by the week”.

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